Why should money be a key motivator in starting a business?

April 20, 2023

Reasons Why People Start a Business

Starting a business is often portrayed as an opportunity for personal fulfilment and a chance to make a positive impact on the world. While these can certainly be motivators for some entrepreneurs, the truth is that many people start businesses with one primary goal in mind: to make more money. Despite the fact that financial gain is a common and perfectly valid reason for starting a business, many people feel ashamed to admit it. In this article, we'll explore some of the reasons why this is the case.

One reason why people may feel ashamed to admit that they started a business to make more money is that our culture often associates financial success with greed and selfishness. We are taught that it is virtuous to put others before ourselves and that accumulating wealth is somehow immoral. This can lead to feelings of guilt and shame for those who prioritise financial gain in their entrepreneurial pursuits.

Another reason why people may be hesitant to admit that they started a business to make more money is because they fear being judged by others. Entrepreneurship is often romanticised as a noble pursuit, and those who choose to start a business for financial gain may be seen as lacking in creativity or vision. Additionally, there is a pervasive belief that entrepreneurship should be motivated by a desire to make a positive impact on society, and those who prioritise financial gain may be seen as shallow or greedy.

The Common Misconceptions About Starting a Business.

It is important to recognise that there is nothing wrong with starting a business to make more money. In fact, financial gain is often a necessary component of entrepreneurial success. Without a profitable business model, it is impossible to sustain a business over the long term or to have the resources to make a positive impact on society.

Furthermore, the desire to make more money can be a powerful motivator for entrepreneurs. Financial success can provide a sense of security, freedom, and independence and can allow entrepreneurs to achieve personal goals that they may not have been able to achieve otherwise. There is nothing inherently wrong with wanting to improve one's financial situation, and entrepreneurs should not feel ashamed to admit that financial gain is a primary motivator for their business.

To overcome the shame associated with admitting that the real reason for starting a business is to make more money, entrepreneurs should focus on reframing their mindset. Instead of seeing financial gain as a negative motivator, entrepreneurs can view it as a necessary component of success. They can also work to surround themselves with like-minded individuals who understand and support their entrepreneurial goals.

Keeping Motivations in Check When Starting a New Business

Finally, it is important for entrepreneurs to remember that their personal motivations for starting a business are ultimately their own. While external judgments and cultural beliefs may influence their feelings of shame, they do not define the worth or validity of their entrepreneurial pursuits. Ultimately, the success of a business is measured by its ability to generate profit and make a positive impact. Entrepreneurs should not feel ashamed to admit that financial gain is a key factor in achieving these goals.

To sum up, while financial gain may not be the most glamorous reason for starting a business, it is a perfectly valid and necessary motivator. Entrepreneurs should not feel ashamed to admit that they started a business to make more money and instead should focus on reframing their mindset and surrounding themselves with supportive individuals. By doing so, they can achieve their entrepreneurial goals and make a positive impact on the world.

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